Monday, May 11, 2009


hey for those of you interested my story is up to date at if you would like to read the whole thing of what i have so far. read the post by Dreamer <-- me ^_^

i doubt i'll be posting any more of my story here so if you want to continue to read the story you can at that link so hope you drop by ^_^

Monday, March 16, 2009

Chapter 5

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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Chapter 4

Hope ya'll enjoy ^_^

The beginning of something new…

“And the librarian didn’t raise any heck about you asking for “The Book of Fernaira”?” Calhan asked as they passed under the overhead to the bridge into Hyrule town on their way out to Kokoriko Village two weeks later. Actually the librarian had fainted at the mention of the book but Gerad wasn’t going to tell Calhan that detail. They had made the librarian swear not to tell anyone that they had asked for the book on pain of loosing his job. They had threatened his life first, or more, Sheik had, but he didn’t care as much for his life as he did for his job.
“Yeah he was more than happy to show us where it was.” Selene said. Calhan was still skeptical but let the matter drop as he turned his attention to his guarding. The ride to Kokoriko was short and uneventful. They had packed light considering the time they were spending away from home. Selene was in a white shirt and brown pants as was Gerad.
They entered Kokoriko with no fan fair to greet them not to anyone’s disappointment, and made their way to Sheik’s house. They arrived at a fairly large house with Sheik jumping up and down waving his arms and his mother standing still next to him with her usual serious face. Gerad and Selene dismounted and led their horses to the barn. Sheik joined them, “How was the trip?”
“Uneventful, and short actually. I thought you lived farther away.” Gerad said unsaddling Artimus and giving him some oats and a good rub down.
“Really what made you think that I lived far away?” Sheik asked hopping up onto the rail in between Artimus’s stall and Starfire’s.
“Well last time ya’ll were at the castle Dahrin said that he had to travel with you the longest when all of you came to the castle.” Selene said over Starfire’s back as she rubbed her down.
“Oh, yeah, that’s because mom and me had traveled to Gerudo Fortress to do something for politics or another important thing like that. So we were already there.” Sheik replied with a shrug of his shoulders.
“What’s this I hear about my home?” Dahrin’s voice came from the door to the barn. Sheik smiled to see his good buddy and stepped from the rail to the stall door without loosing his balance.
“When did you get here?” Sheik asked squatting down to be almost eye level with him.
“Just now, you’ve all been in here for about an hour or so your mother said.” Dahrin replied walking Desertstorm into his stall. He began to brush him down as he continued talking with his friends.
“So how was your ride over here?” Selene asked stepping out of Starfire’s stall and shutting the door behind her.
“Relaxing actually, we didn’t run into anything on the way and other than a bit of rain it was good.” Dahrin replied patting Desertstorm and stepping out of the stall.
“Well mine was a bit more interesting.” Meria said as she entered towing Eyona behind her. Sheik immediately perked up at the sight of Meria. She smiled at him as she passed him to put Eyona in her stall.
“What do you mean?” Selene asked as Meria passed by.
“Well first Eyona wanted to run the opposite way I was headed.”
“And then when she joined up with us we had some psychotic duku scrubs trying to pelt us to death with duku nuts.” Aerica finished as she entered the barn with Orchid behind her and Meko hovering around her.
“Sounds interesting.” Gerad said smiling at Aerica. Selene rolled her eyes and went and hugged Aerica hello. Aerica smiled and hugged Selene then went and put Orchid in her stall.
“If you can say getting hit by a duku nut that’s going faster than you can fly is interesting.” Meko said crossing his tiny arms and landing on Aerica’s shoulder.
Gerad chuckled, “Well no, I wouldn’t call that interesting.” Meko glared at his sarcastic tone.
“Alright younglings dinner is in four hours ya’ll have the rest of today off so enjoy yourselves, there are some rules, Sheik I expect you to tell them and to follow them yourself.” Impa said from the barn door. She turned and left them standing there in the barn looking at each other with huge smiles.
“Ok so what’re the rules?” Dahrin asked looking up at Sheik. “Oh, just that we can’t go into the royal cemetery since that’s where the shadow temple is, Oh and no messing with the cuckoos.”
Gerad shrugged his shoulders and said, “Wasn’t planning on going to any cemeteries.”
Sheik hopped down from his perch, “Come on, I’ll show you around the village.”
“But this is a perfect time to test some of your powers.” Calhan said coming into the barn with Slaughter in tow. He wore his guard uniform and his longsword at his side. “We can learn later, I think we should take a walk around the village to acquaint ourselves with the feel of the place.” Gerad said walking past Calhan to wait outside with the others. Calhan shrugged and stalled Slaughter then left with the others.

“So this is the well that Bongo Bongo was trapped in?” Meria asked trying to peer through the water that shone clear and enticing.
“Yeah up until Ganondorf let him out and Mr. Link killed him.” Sheik said leaning against the well. They had taken a tour the first day and now a week later they new the layout of the town intimately. The first few days they were still getting used to the feel of the place, Impa had taken mercy on them and let them get acquainted with rising early before setting them strenuous chores to do. The girls on the fifth day were assigned to cleaning the house while the boys helped the carpenters with building a new schoolhouse for the children of the village. After the first day of cleaning the girls were so sore they could hardly move the next morning. The boys were in no better shape, but none of them complained about the work and set to it again and again. Weekend had come and all were taking a well deserved rest by the well.
“So what exactly is in the Shadow temple?” Gerad asked.
Sheik stiffened, “Nothing but death.”
“Ok little warriors, time for your first power’s lesson.” Calhan said coming up to them. He was dressed in a brownish orange robe and carrying the power book. They stared at him with quizzical expressions.
“Out here in the open?” Gerad asked.
“Why are you wearing a dress?” Sheik asked at the same time.
“No we have to find somewhere secluded, where we won’t be bothered,” Calhan replied ignoring Sheik’s question, “Do you know of any such place where we can train Sheik?”
“A few.” Sheik said with a small nod.
“Any good ones?” Calhan asked.
“Only one really good one but we’re forbidden to go there.” Sheik replied.
“Heh, you mean the graveyard, don’t you?” Dahrin asked.
“Yeah it’s the only place no one ever goes. Except the grave keeper, who wouldn’t bother or report on us anyway.”
“I’m confused why can’t we go-wait that’s where the Shadow temple is, isn’t it?” Calhan asked.
“Yeah.” Sheik said with no enthusiasm.
“Hmm that does present a problem.” Calhan said putting his finger to his chin in an old thinking habit.
“Why would it?” Selene asked.
“Well in the book it says to practice away from areas that have a high potential of having monsters, ‘cause the monsters are drawn to the energy that the powers create. The Shadow Temple is still probably full of monsters as are the others.” Calhan said.
“What’s this about the Shadow Temple?”
Every one jumped at the sound of Impa’s voice. “Oh nothing we were just discussing what we had learned about the…the…the layout of the village.” Aerica said smiling an over innocent smile like the rest of the group. Meko had fallen off his perch with a squeak and landed in the well.
“Uh-huh.” Impa said as she crossed her arms and looked at the group with an eyebrow raised in disbelief. Meko dog paddled to the edge and pulled himself out; Selene tried to suppress a giggle at his appearance. Meko glared at her as he attempted to shake out his soaked wings.
When no information was forth coming she turned to Calhan, “So, Calhan, the graveyard should be fine to practice in as long as you don’t go to close to the Temple. Normally I wouldn’t let you go even in the graveyard but since the stalfos attack I’ve been a little worried that they wouldn’t be able to handle the next attack on them should it occur.” Impa said looking at each of the dumbfounded faces in turn. “So I’ll make an exception this time and I’ll write to all the others to tell them what to expect when you arrive in a few weeks from now.”
Calhan blinked, “How did you know?”
“Well the robe gave it away but it was really the letter your grandfather sent me before he had died explaining that you were taking his place.” Impa said.
“So we can really practice?” Sheik asked.
Impa looked at her son, “Yes, but only on the weekends. ‘Cause you still have chores to do and reports to make. I will have no slacking and no using your powers in front of other people unless it’s to save them.”
“Understood.” The group answered with mock salutes that Impa smiled at. She left them to it and continued on her way.
“Well now that we have permission lets go check out our training area.” Calhan said motioning his hand for Sheik to lead the way. Sheik sighed and started walking leading them to the graveyard.
“What’s wrong Sheik? You seem depressed.” Meria asked him when they were away from the others.
Sheik jumped and gave a small smile, “Nothings wrong.”

“Ok Selene, since you were the first one to use your powers lets start with you.” Calhan said from his seat on a cemetery bench. Selene shrugged and stepped forward into the clear patch of grass in front of Calhan. They had arrived at the cemetery without encountering anyone and had chosen a training area away from the entrance but also away from the Shadow Temple. “What do I do?” Selene asked.
“Well the book says that it’s based on feelings, so can you conjure up the feelings you had when you first used your powers?” Calhan asked looking at Selene. Selene thought then slowly nodded.
“Ok now focus those feeling at the rock.” Selene did but no matter how much she stared at the rock they had picked out for the target nothing happened. After about ten minutes and with Selene red in the face Calhan sighed. “Ok let’s try something else.”
He stood up from his seat and walked toward Selene. She looked at him with a quizzical expression as he stopped in front of her. Calhan raised his hand and swung it toward her face attempting to slap her. Selene reacted without thinking and blocked his arm then struck him in the stomach with her palm, when her palm connected with his stomach a white light emanated from the point of contact. Calhan flew back twenty feet from the force of the light. Selene stared at her palm as Calhan climbed to his feet.
“Very good, now we know what needs to be done. Ouch.” Calhan said as he walked towards the group.
“Are you alright?” Gerad asked him failing to suppress a smile.
“Yes, nothing permanently damaged, but more importantly, Selene, what did you feel when I tried to hit you and you defended?”
“Fear, anger, and confusion.” Selene replied.
Calhan nodded his head, “Ok now focus those feelings and strike the rock like you had struck me.” He said motioning with his hand to a boulder near the bench he had been sitting on. Selene shrugged, she stepped up to the boulder dredged up the feelings that she had just felt then struck the boulder. Nothing happened.
“Hmm.” Calhan said tapping his finger to his chin. “Did you feel anything else?” he asked looking at her.
Selene shrugged, “It’s hard to describe, but it was sort of a calm rage. I know that sounds dumb.”
Calhan nodded at this then backed up behind Gerad and the others. They stared at him, but he ignored them.
“Ok strike the rock again this time dredge up that feeling mmk?” with that Calhan ducked behind Gerad. Selene raised an eyebrow at him, shook her head, and closed her eyes. Selene thought back to the stalfos attack. She dredged up the feeling that had emerged when Gerad and the others had been hurt.
Everyone gasped as a white light surrounded Selene. Selene opened her eyes and struck the rock. The boulder shattered into pieces of white fragments that shot everywhere. The others ducked and dodged out of the way of the fragments.
Selene closed her eyes again and exhaled. The white light faded and she raised her head. Looking around she saw the others on the ground with their hands over their heads. Calhan stood up and clapped. “Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.”
Selene looked at him quizzically, “What? Did I break the rock?”
Gerad laughed, “I’ll say you did.” He stood up and took a fragment off his shoulder. He handed her the fragment she took it in awe. “Wow!”
“Now we know it can be done without a life and death situation.” Sheik said with his goofy smile. Calhan rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“Alright who wants to try next?” Calhan asked looking to the rest.
Near the group, under the ground in the temple something long left in sleep, awoke.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Chapter 3

Heres chapter three hope you enjoy

Chapter 3

Hard questions…

“What were you thinking?” Zelda screamed at Calhan. Calhan stood there with his head down staring at the floor. “Didn’t you know there were things that come out at night in Hyrule Fields? You could have gotten them killed.” Zelda kept screaming and waving her arms about. “Zelda calm down, none of them were killed and they are all in perfect shape, amazingly.” Link said trying to calm his wife. “Though from how you tell it Selene should be dead is that correct?”
“Mother we sent Mathius to tell you where we were.” Selene said from next to Gerad.
“No soldier came and told us where you were, he must have gotten lost.” Link said, “Guards mount up a search for Mathius.”
Five guards saluted and headed out of the throne room. “Now Calhan you said that Selene should be dead.” Link said addressing Calhan again.
“Yes sir. I tried to defend her but I was outnumbered.” Calhan said without lifting his eyes.
“But father we aren’t dead we’re fine.” Gerad said from next to Calhan, the others nodded their heads. “But you could have died.” Zelda said shaking her son by his shoulders. “But we didn’t.” Selene said.
“Look we could spend all day arguing about what could have happened. It happened and that’s that. Now obviously someone is after Selene and possibly Gerad, we have to start thinking about their safety and protection.” Link said moving his wife away from Gerad. “Well they aren’t going to leave the castle till this is resolved.” Zelda said. The children immediately protested, “But mother, we’ve been waiting for the chance to see where our friends live.”
“And dear we’ve already arranged it. It can’t be helped they have to go.” Link said putting a hand on his wife’s shoulder. Gerad bit his bottom lip waiting impatiently for his mother’s decision. Zelda looked at her children and gave in, “Alright you may go, but you will have armed escorts and more than two this time. You may go play with your friends now.” The children left the throne room and Zelda addressed Calhan once more. “I should have your captaincy for this but seeing how all the children are unharmed I’ll let you go this time.” Calhan bowed and left the throne room after the children. Four hours later the five guards returned with the wrapped body of Mathius between them. Zelda and Link decided not to alarm the children more than they already were and had the guard buried in the cemetery.

“So what was with the light? Where did that come from?” Gerad asked Selene as they sat in the eastern courtyard munching on some fruit. “I don’t know.” Selene replied slowly, “and it frightens me.” Sheik shook his head, “I don’t see why it should, it healed us and killed them what’s so bad about that?”
“I don’t know where it comes from.” Selene said looking at Sheik.
“I do.” came a voice from the entrance. Calhan stepped into the courtyard and bowed to Selene and Gerad.
“Where is it from and what is it?” Dahrin asked.
“My family has always studied the power behind our nation. As you know the legend that the three goddesses made the world, and as you know they left the Triforce, and Ganondorf tried to get the Triforce and your father stopped him.”
“Ok basic history yes, but that still doesn’t answer-“ Sheik said.
“The power of the three pieces of the Triforce; Power, Wisdom, and Courage, comes from the seven elements that make up Hyrule: light, earth, fire, water, spirit, wind, and shadow. What most don’t know is that the elements manifest their own power in their sages.” Calhan continued glancing at Sheik.
“What do you mean manifest in their sages?” Aerica asked.
“One of each of your parents was a sage, Aerica’s mom was the sage of earth, Sheik’s mom was the sage of shadow, Dahrin’s mother was the sage of spirit, G-Link’s father was the sage of fire, Lucius’s mother was the sage of water, and Selene’s mother the sage of light.”
“Since our mother was the sage of light why doesn’t Gerad have powers?” Selene asked
“The manifest only passes to one child each generation; it was random chance that you ended up with it instead of Gerad.”
“You said seven elements there’s only six.” Meria said.
“Seven, wind is one not much known.”
“Well then who’s the sage of wind then?” Sheik asked.
“Meria.” Calhan said looking at her. Meria was taken aback, “What do you mean me, neither my mother nor my father are sages.”
“The wind only manifests itself in a sage every twenty-seventh generation unless there is a need for it.”
“How come we’ve never heard of the wind sage?” Selene asked.
“Because the last wind sage betrayed all the others to a great evil and was killed. Meria is descended directly from him.”
“But if that was twenty-seven generations ago, I can’t be the only descendant.” Meria said.
“Yeah, how can she be the lost sage?” Gerad asked him.
“She isn’t her great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother was. And if I’m not mistaken your family only had one child per generation all the way up to you. Back to explaining-
“Wait you said our parents were the sages not are, why?” Sheik asked with a skeptical look on his face.
“Because, you all are now,” Calhan said, “Now-“
“How can we be?” Dahrin asked.
“If you would let me finish,” Calhan said pausing till the group seemed to settle, “the manifest passes onto the sage’s descendant when they come of age to know the difference between right and wrong. For when the evil manifest itself again they are given a choice. To either fight or serve. But the manifest only comes out if the evil has awoken again”
“But mother never told me about that choice.” Sheik said.
“That’s because the great evil was sealed away for a very long time and the manifest went to sleep, so they didn’t have to choose, it was still passed on but it was dormant until awakened by the great hero, your father, when he opened the doors of time.” Calhan said pointing to Selene and Gerad.
“Well, then why didn’t my mother become the wind sage?” Meria asked.
“Because there wasn’t a need for her to be, so the manifest skipped her and went to you.”
“And the great evil that returned was my father?” Dahrin asked.
“No he wasn’t the evil, the evil manifested in him.”
“Is that why no one trusts me is because I’m descended from the evil’s sage?” Dahrin asked. “No they fear you because you are Ganondorf’s child. Not many know about the manifests.”
“How do you know all this?” Aerica asked.
“Because I am Rauru’s grandson, I am the lore sage or the keeper of the sages.” Calhan said. “Then what are you doing as a guard and trying to marry Selene?” Gerad asked.
“I became a guard to be close to you two, and trying to marry Selene was a way of getting the chance of her falling in love with me very slim.” Calhan replied leaning against the wall.
“Uh-huh.” Gerad said raising an eyebrow.
“Do our parents know about you?” Selene asked visibly relaxed now that she knew Calhan wasn’t going to try to marry her.
“No and I prefer them not too since they’ll treat me as a king if they do. I prefer the quiet life.”
“Wait, since we have the ‘manifests’ in us now what happens to our parents?” Aerica asked
“Well they won’t be able to use the powers that the manifests give to their sages, but since the manifests weren’t awake they never had powers before.” Calhan explained.
“Back to the history lesson please.” Meria said. “You said he was Ganondorf’s child not the evil sage’s, isn’t Ganondorf the evil sage?”
“No he wasn’t. He had killed the sage by accident when he was conquering Hyrule. The manifest left whoever it was in and entered him and that’s what drove him to take over the world and eventually find the Triforce.”
“I’m confused,” Sheik started.
“What’s new?” Dahrin interrupted him smiling. Sheik scowled at him as the others chuckled.
“I thought the manifests go to the next one in the line, how did it leave the sage and enter him?” Sheik continued.
Calhan thought about it, “I regretfully don’t know much about the evil sage, but according to some when a sage is killed and there is no ‘next in line’ the manifest will enter someone who is best qualified to be a sage. Ganondorf was already evil, probably the most evil person, so it chose him.”
“But if he’s dead then the manifest is loose and in someone from our generation. Or is in Dahrin.” Meria said.
“No he wasn’t killed he was sealed away and the manifest with him. And even if he was it wouldn’t go to Dahrin since he wasn’t born when Ganondorf was defeated.” Calhan said.
“But you said that the manifest awakens only when the evil has. Has it come back again?” Gerad asked.
“Yes its back.”
“Shouldn’t we be worried?” Sheik asked. A hushed silence fell over the group.
“I don’t think we need to panic just yet, we still have time before whatever happens will happen.” Calhan said.
“So, Ganondorf was able to use magic because he was part sage.” Dahrin said.
Calhan thought about it, “Yeah I guess you could put it that way.”
“You still haven’t answered where Selene’s power came from.” Gerad said.
“Right, well now that the manifests are waking up and not sleeping, they are returning to their full potential and that means that you can use their powers. Selene was able to kill the stalfos because they are “allergic” to light.” Calhan answered.
“That explains why they disintegrated.” Selene said.
“If you say that we are the sages now then we should have the powers also, why didn’t ours work?” Aerica asked.
“Because your powers weren’t ready to be used, each of you has a different power that will do different things and ‘mature’ at different rates or so I understand from my grandfather’s books, he didn’t write a lot about them. I do remember a book that my grandfather saw once that had the list of powers and how to access them but I haven’t been able to find it in his old studies, I have a feeling it isn’t in there.” Calhan said scooting to the ground.
“What do you mean you remember your grandfather seeing a book?” Meria asked.
“Oh I have all of his memories concerning the sages, the memories of all the lore sages passes to the descendant when the sage dies.” Calhan replied.
“Rauru is dead?” Gerad asked.
“Yes he died after Ganondorf was sealed away. He was in the chamber of the sages for so long, he wanted to go. So he slipped away with no one the wiser.”
“You said you can remember what all the lore sages before you had remembered, did one of them read or write this book of the powers?” Sheik asked.
“Just because I remember whatever they remember doesn’t mean they memorized it and some of its kinda fuzzy, like the really distant ones, hurts to think about it.” Calhan said rubbing his forehead. Selene stared at the ground in thought.
“What are you thinking about?” Dahrin asked.
“Well, maybe Rauru saw the book in the royal library.” Selene said looking at Calhan.
“It’s possible, I’m not allowed into the library as a guard. One of you will have to look for it.” He replied pointing at Gerad and Selene. Gerad and Selene looked at each other.
“Why just one of us, it would go faster with both of us looking wouldn’t it?” Gerad said.
“Yes it would but do you visit the library often?” Calhan asked Gerad. Gerad shook his head. “Exactly it would look suspicious if both of you were pouring through the library, especially since you don’t go to the library. With the Stalfos attack I don’t think your parents could handle anything suspicious at this point in time.” Calhan said.
“What do you mean by that?” Dahrin asked.
“Well the book is to help teach you how to use your powers to fight, I don’t think your parents would be too happy with the knowledge that you’re training for war.”
“Selene would be the best choice to search the library, since she’s always in there.”
Selene nodded, “Ok I can search for the book. Do you know the exact name of it or what it looks like?”
Calhan sighed, “The name was written in silver ink but it was faded, the cover was white with the seven element symbols in a circle on the front. The name started with “The Book of F-something” that’s all I remember.” His eyes were closed in concentration and he held his palms to his temples.
“Hey don’t hurt yourself.” Sheik said.
“That’s all I can remember, that’s all he saw.” Calhan said rubbing his eyes.
“So once we get this book we should be able to learn how to use our powers, right?” Meria asked.
“Yes.” Calhan said.
“When will we train if we get the book?” Aerica asked.
“On the road, while you all are on your expedition.” Calhan said confidently.
“Well then I’d better start searching. I’m going to need help since I can’t ask the librarian for it.” Selene said standing up.
“We could all go look for it today, pretending we’re looking for a combat book,” Gerad said pointing to Dahrin and Sheik, “while ya’ll are looking for “another kind of book”.” He finished pointing to the girls.
“That’s an idea, ok we can do that, while ya’ll are searching I’m going to go on patrol so it doesn’t look like I’m not doing my job.” Calhan said getting up and dusting himself off. He bowed to Selene and Gerad and then left.

The group made its way to the library; they stopped a few corridors away. “Ok boys go first. Walk in ask the librarian where the combat books are and go search around in that area.” Selene said. “Then we’ll come in a few minutes after ya’ll and ask the librarian where the poetry books are. Then while we’re searching if the librarian leaves the room we scatter and search separately while someone keeps look out for the librarian, Gerad you keep watch the first time he goes out, then tap someone else the next time.”
The others nodded and the boys set off for the library.
Gerad, Sheik, and Dahrin entered the library, G-Link and Lucius went to their rooms since neither could read Hyrulian script well enough to help. The librarian looked up from a book on his desk, he had a long thin pointed nose, and high cheek bones that made his face look like it had been squished in a book. He rose and bowed to Gerad who nodded his head, then returned to looking around the library.
“May I help you your majesty?” the librarian asked looking down his long pointed nose at Gerad’s companions.
“Yes where are the combat books?” Gerad asked.
The librarian beamed, “Ah yes we have a fine selection of “Combat Books” follow me your majesty and I will show you where they are.”
The librarian left his desk and showed the way to the combat books. The library was huge consisting of row upon rows of shelves stacked full of books. Gerad and the boys couldn’t help themselves from staring around wide eyed with wonder at all the knowledge this one room possessed. They arrived at row twelve-forty and took a left. The librarian stopped and said, “Here it is the combat section. If you need anything else I’ll be at my desk.” He bowed and walked back to his desk. They heard his footsteps echo in the vast room. When the librarian was out of earshot Dahrin turned to Gerad and said, “Its hopeless there’s no way we can find that book.”
Gerad shrugged, “The only way to find it is to look. Though I don’t see why we can’t just ask him.”
They heard off in the distance the girls enter the room and ask something that they couldn’t make out. The boys poured over every inch of the combat section searching for a white book cover but none appeared. After about an hour and a half of searching they heard the librarian get up and walk out the door. Gerad whistled and went to the door to keep watch. The others spread out from their places and started searching for the book in different places. Gerad looked through the crack in the door for any sign of the librarian. He saw the librarian round the corner at the end of the hall and whistled again and went back to the combat section. He tapped Meria on the shoulder as he passed her; she nodded as she went on her way back to where the girls were searching. The librarian came into the room and glanced around at where the boys were studying a book together and the girls were reading another book on the other side of the room. He nodded to himself and sat back down at his desk. Gerad glanced up to see the librarian bent low over a scroll he had been writing on earlier. He tapped Dahrin and scooted back to the end of the row, Dahrin positioned himself in between Gerad and the librarian his broad back blocking the line of view from the desk to where they were so Gerad could search on the next row without being noticed that he had moved.
Selene had asked the librarian where the poetry section was. He had raised his eyebrows at this but didn’t ask any questions and led the way to the right side of the huge room. The girls were now pouring over every inch of the poetry section looking for the white book, but to no success. The librarian went out twice more but still they didn’t find it. Finally Gerad got fed up with it and went straight to the librarian, “Where is a white book with the element symbols on the cover and silver writing that says “The Book of F-something”?”

Monday, December 15, 2008

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Days of adventure begin…

Inside the branches of the pine tree in the training court sat a huge crow with red eyes and a silver collar around its neck. The crow cawed and flew off without anyone even glancing at it.
“Wow an entire day, so what should we do?” Selene asked the group. “We could go for that ride that Meria wanted.” Sheik said. “That is a possibility since we have more time now.” Gerad said. They all agreed and headed for the stables. They passed by the adults on the way and Link asked where they were going. “We’re going riding we won’t take too long.” Gerad replied. “I’d like you to take a soldier with you for escort anyway.” Zelda said. As she said that Calhan came around the corner, “I would be honored to ride escort for them.” He said with his handsomest smile and deepest bow. Since there was no other soldiers around they had to take him. “Alright, head to the stables with the children and ride with them as escort.” Link said, and the adults left. The group continued on to the stables with Calhan right behind.
They stopped off at the armory to grab their weapons for their combat instructor swore that every time was a good time to familiar one’s self with his weapon of choice. Selecting her morning star Selene strapped it to her hip with out even blinking and strapped her buckler to her back. Gerad strapped on his broadsword and buckler. Calhan already had his longsword and shield and the others grabbed their weapons from the racks that held them.
They reached the stables and selected their mounts. Selene retrieved her mare Starfire, a white horse with a silver mane and tail. Gerad retrieved his stallion Artimus who was a blue-ish gray. Dahrin got his stallion Desertstorm, a yellow cream colored horse with a black mane and tail. Aerica retrieved her mare Orchid, a brown horse. Meko slept catatonic on her shoulder his tiny belly swollen from eating himself silly with bread. Sheik retrieved his horse Spider, a huge black horse. Meria retrieved her horse Eyona, the daughter of Epeona, a red mare with a black mane and tail and white hooves. Lucius saddled up a “horse” from Zora’s Domain, it was indigo blue and had long pointed ears, and gills behind its ears, its hooves had fins around them, its name was Fish. G-Link’s “horse” was a giant lizard from Death Mountain its name was Bob. Calhan saddled up Slaughter, another soldier saddled up and together the group rode out the palace gates.
They rode through the town and the little children gawked at Lucius’s and G-Link’s mounts. The townsfolk bowed when Selene and Gerad rode past. Selene smiled and waved as did Gerad. They made it to the town gates and rode out.
Once outside the city they stopped. “So where are we going to ride to?” Sheik asked his voice muffled because of his face wrap that he always wore in public. He undid it and tied it around his right arm. Selene shrugged and said “It doesn’t matter to me.”
“How about we head northwest then circle back this way.” Dahrin put in. The others agreed and they took off.
The wind streamed past them as they flew over Hyrule Field. Meria in the lead with the others scattered behind her. They rode for hours until the sun started sinking down to the horizon. Gerad reigned in Artimus who snorted out a puff of vapor. The others stopped scattered around him. Calhan was looking around scanning for any sign of threat. A crow cawed and flew in a circle above their heads. “That was invigorating.” Sheik said, rubbing Spider’s neck. Calhan was still staring off into the distance. The others smiled and patted their own mounts. They dismounted to let the horses rest and eat, except for G-Link. Bob plopped himself down onto the ground and went to sleep soaking up the last rays of sun. Sheik snorted, “Just like his master, catches sleep wherever.” The others grinned as they heard G-Link snore, except for Calhan who continued to scan for danger. “Well its getting too dark to head back now, we’ll have to camp here for the night.” Sheik said. “What do you mean camp here?” Lucius asked. “He means that it would be dark when we got back so the gates would be closed. Besides we can go a little further to the rivers edge so you can sleep in the water.” Gerad said pulling himself back onto Artimus. The others remounted and Dahrin tapped G-Link and they continued on to the river. “We need to get a message to mother to let her know where we are.” Selene said.
“Yes, Mathius, ride back to the castle and inform their highnesses where we are and that we shall be camping out tonight, and tell them also that I will stand guard and protect them.” Calhan said over his shoulder to the soldier behind him. Mathius saluted, turned his horse around and raced off in the direction of the palace. He was a small man and he had a huge horse, they flew off and in seconds were gone.
The group settled down at the rivers edge and made a fire. They had packed blankets and rations so they wouldn’t starve or freeze. They were sitting around the camp fire warming themselves and laughing and telling jokes, except for Lucius and Calhan. Lucius was in the water asleep and Calhan was at the firelight’s edge keeping a lookout. G-Link was asleep in a ball next to Bob who was curled around him. They all dozed off one by one; Selene leaned on Gerad who sat still so he wouldn’t disturb her. He jiggled his shoulder to wake her up when Meria and Aerica turned in. Selene yawned and got up to go lay beside them. The boys continued talking into the night. Meko sat on Gerad’s shoulder and joined in the conversation.
It grew to midnight and everything was peaceful, when a deep rumbling started. The boys jumped up and looked around confused. The girls sat up startled by the noise. G-Link slept on as did Lucius. Calhan backed up to stand next to the boys. The rumbling stopped a few minutes after it had started. Everyone was tense expecting something to happen but hoping nothing would. Their hopes were answered.
“What was that?” Meria asked edging closer to Sheik. Dahrin shook his head, “I don’t know.” They closed into a circle their backs to each other. Calhan had drawn his sword and was standing next to Selene and Gerad. Aerica had her bow cocked and Meko hovered next to her right shoulder. Minutes passed and still nothing happened. They relaxed, a little, but still stayed on guard. An hour passed and still nothing happened. They lay back down around the fire closer together and sleep came later.
A few hours later the group was dead asleep. The ground burst open near their campsite and ten stalfos crawled out each wielding a sword or club. The group awoke in time to scramble to their weapons to defend themselves. Annoying as he was Calhan was still the best soldier, he jumped in front of Selene and Gerad as two stalfos came for them. Gerad put himself in front of Selene as another came from the side. Sheik guarded Meria as two came for them. Dahrin, Aerica, and Meko handled two more but there were still three left. Calhan beat back the two in front of him while defending himself from another. Gerad battled with one and Selene another. Sheik managed to kill one and shouted in triumph only to have it get caught in his throat as the stalfos came back together and attacked him again. The remaining three went to their horses with the intention of slaughtering the tied up beast. But the horses were war trained and defended themselves from the skeletons.
The group was spread out each fighting to survive, as more stalfos clawed their way out of the ground around them. Selene whacked one with her Morningstar and it fell apart and disintegrated. Another one came at her from behind, she turned with a swing and knocked it’s head clear off. Aerica stood near Dahrin shooting out knee caps of stalfos as they came their way, Meko acted as targeter for Aerica hovering near the stalfos she aimed at to give her a better target, Dahrin hacked at them with his double headed axe.
Lucius and G-Link were still asleep. Gerad sliced and hacked with his broad sword while Sheik ducked and weaved while slicing with his daggers. Meria whacked and beat with her quarter staff knocking off bones as she hit them. Their horses undid the ropes that held them and fought their way to their masters to help them fight. Selene was backed against a wall being hounded by four stalfos, she and Starfire held them at bay. A bony hand shot out of the ground and grabbed her ankle. Selene screamed and whacked at the hand.
Gerad heard Selene scream and looked to where it came from, he saw Selene whack the hand but another grabbed her other leg and a third reached out from the wall and grabbed her arm. A fourth hand grabbed her other arm and two more grabbed her around the throat. Gerad killed the stalfos he was fighting and tried to get to his sister but there were too many in between him and Selene. Calhan was trying to get to her as well but he faired no better. Dahrin was pinned down with Aerica and Sheik and Meria were having a hard time with the stalfos also.
A huge stalfos stepped into the circle surrounding Selene, he stood a head taller than the rest of the stalfos; he wore a robe and carried a twisted evil looking staff. Selene shivered as he drew near. He stared into her eyes, his hideous face inches from hers, he lifted a hand and touched her cheek, caressing it. She shivered and tried to pull away but the hands holding her wouldn’t budge.
Gerad fought harder than he thought he ever could to reach his sister but to no use. The boss stalfos stepped back from Selene and placed a bony hand on her shoulder. He handed his staff to a subordinate then drew a long twisted dagger as he hissed something to Selene. Her eyes widened and he plunged the knife into her stomach. “Selene!” Gerad screamed as the hands let her go and she fell to her knees. The boss stalfos laughed as Selene stared at her hand as she pulled it away from her stomach; her hand was covered in bright red blood. Gerad slashed and hacked through stalfos making his way to his sister. Calhan fought harder but got nowhere.
The boss stalfos grabbed a sword from a smaller stalfos with a grunt of disgust as Selene pulled the dagger out and tried to stand up. He leveled the sword with her neck and pulled it back to take a swing but Dahrin slammed into him. The boss stalfos howled in rage and turned to face Dahrin who had already gotten up and aimed a swing at his chest. He blocked the swing with his sword but Dahrin recovered and swung again. They traded blows and cuts with Selene on the ground watching through a grey haze.
Dahrin was tiring quickly but the boss stalfos showed no signs of fatigue. Dahrin swung one last time and missed; “I am not going to kill you, little master.” the boss stalfos came in and hit him on the back of the head with the hilt of his sword. Dahrin went down unconscious. He turned back to Selene and raised his sword to strike again. He tried to kill her again but this time Sheik hit him from the back and bounced off onto the ground. The boss stalfos turned and hit Sheik with a back knuckle and Sheik went flying and landed sprawled out on the ground unconscious. Calhan attacked from the other side and managed to hold his own for awhile till two stalfos jumped him from behind and knocked him out also. The boss stalfos turned his attention back to Selene only to end up with an arrow through his chest and knee. He screamed noticing Meko hovering near him, he grabbed him out of the air squishing his wings and threw him into the wall of stone, Meko fell to the ground his light going dim. Aerica screamed his name, the boss stalfos turned back to the direction of Aerica and pointed at her, she fired again the arrow landing through the stalfos’s outstretched hand. Three stalfos attacked her and knocked her out too. Meria jumped in front of Selene and blocked the swing of the boss stalfos’s sword with her staff. He screamed again and tried to hit her again but she blocked. He swung a few more times then back handed her across the face; the force of the hit threw her against the wall. She hit her head and went down. He turned back to see Gerad standing over his sister. The boss stalfos screamed with rage at all the interventions in this assassination of one little girl. Gerad held his ground as the boss stalfos came at him with his sword raised high. Gerad blocked the swing and shoved him back away from his sister. The boss stalfos stumbled back and defended himself from Gerad’s furious blows. Gerad kept coming at the boss stalfos no matter how hard the stalfos tried to defend and counter. Finally the stalfos saw signs of fatigue on Gerad’s face and he pressed the advantage. Gerad was on a backpedaling defense now as the boss stalfos came at him.
Selene saw Gerad miss the swing and it go across his stomach, it was a shallow wound but the boss stalfos hit Gerad on the back of the head and he went down. He turned his attention back to Selene who lay on the ground staring at her fallen friends. “You just made a big mistake.” Selene said as the boss stalfos stood over her again. Selene stuck out her hand fingers spread wide and a blinding white light shot out of her hand and struck the boss stalfos full in the face. The boss stalfos screamed in pain as he disintegrated. Selene stood up and a bright light shined from her wound and engulfed the battlefield with pure white light. The other stalfos screamed as the light burned them.
After the light vanished there wasn’t a single stalfos left and everyone was healed. Gerad shot up and ran over to Selene to find her sleeping and unharmed. He breathed a sigh of relief and went to check on the others. Meko rose from where he had fallen and flew to Aerica. Sheik was already up and at Meria’s side. Dahrin was sitting on his knees rubbing the back of his head. Gerad went to Aerica and found her rubbing her arm just above the elbow and staring bewildered at it. “What’s wrong?” Gerad asked her. She stared up into his eyes hers full of fear and astonishment, “They cut it off Gerad. They had cut it off.” Tears fell down her cheeks and Gerad held her close hushing her sobs and stroking her head. “Hey love it’ll be ok.” Meko said landing on her shoulder and hugging her cheek. Aerica smiled and rubbed him with her finger. Orchid and Artimus stood over their masters and neighed softly comforting them.
Starfire stood over Selene and nuzzled her cheek till her eyes flickered open. Dahrin was kneeling beside her and smiled when her eyes opened. “Hey, how you doing?” He asked as he helped her sit up. “Headache.” She said rubbing her forehead. Selene petted Starfire on her nose and stood up with Dahrin’s help. “Is everyone alright?” Selene asked surveying the battlefield. “It would seem so.” Sheik said walking over with Meria by his side. “Where’s Calhan?” Gerad asked looking around. “I’m here.” He said coming up behind them rubbing his head.“Where’s Lucius and G-Link?” Gerad asked looking around. They all heard a big snort as G-Link rolled over. Shaking their heads they all laughed.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

So... life yeah...

apparently i have one of those......don't know if anyone is keeping up with my blog cause i haven't posted in forever. something calle dlife got in the way ^_^ amazing what that does to one's time.
i will try to get the story going case anyone misses it.
if not oh well.

Monday, July 14, 2008

By the way...

this story is based off the video game Zelda Ocarina of Time. so all original characters and layout belong to Nintindo or whoever actually owns Zelda.

here's chapter 1

Chapter 1

Ten years later…

“Gerad?” Selene called over her shoulder from the room window. “Yeah?” Gerad answered from the adjacent room poking his head through the doorway. “They’re here.” By they, she meant their six childhood friends. “Well I’m glad that they are.” Gerad said coming into the room buttoning his shirt. “Selene, where did I put my boots?” Gerad asked looking around the room. “Why are you asking me? Your room is that way, they aren’t in here.” Selene said turning from the window and putting her second earring in. She was wearing a comfortable pair of pants that would never grace the doors of the throne room and a loose white shirt. Her long brown hair was in a bun. Gerad brushed his hand through his short brown hair. Their hair used to be bright blonde but had turned brown over the years. Selene sat on her bed and pulled on her riding boots. The necklace their parents had presented her at their tenth birthday dangled around her neck. Gerad snapped his fingers and ran into his room.
“Found them?” Selene called to him as a triumphant shout came from his room. Gerad came back holding up his black riding boots triumphantly. “Yes I found them.” He sat next to his sister and pulled on his boots. A knock came from the door and Selene said “Enter.” A guard poked his head around the door and announced that the delegates had arrived and were waiting in the eastern courtyard.
“Thank you.” They both got up and walked out of the room. Selene tucked the necklace back under her shirt. The guard fell into step behind them as they passed him coming into the hall. Compared to Gerad with his 6’ 5” height Selene was short at 5’ 5” but tall for most her age. Their rooms were in the west wing of the palace. They passed servants who were dusting and Gerad said hello and Selene smiled to them. The servants bowed and continued with their work. “Why are they all the way in the east courtyard?” Selene asked over her shoulder to the guard. “I don’t know your highness, I was only sent to tell you.” The guard replied with a bend at the waist. Selene looked forward again and fell silent.
Gerad and Selene made it to the eastern courtyard as the delegates were being served refreshments. “Hey what took you so long?” Sheik asked from the left bench. He was sitting with his left knee up under his chin like he always did, with his red eyes full of mischief. Meria was sitting next to him in her usual white loose shirt, ankle length orange skirt, and brown riding boots. “Well you did tell them to put us in this courtyard.” She said looking pointedly at Sheik. “Yes and you know good and well that they live in the other end.” Aerica piped in from beneath the oak tree off to the right. Meko floated circles around her chasing a bug.
“No not me you must have me confused with someone else, I definitely wouldn’t have done it.” Sheik replied oozing innocence.
“Uh-huh, liar.” Selene said sitting down on the other bench beside Dahrin.
“He was like that all the way over here.” G-Link said from the ground near the entrance. It was too confusing over the years to call Goron Link, Link, so they called him by a nickname G-Link. “You didn’t have to travel with him before we met up with the rest of you. You don’t want to know what I had to put up with.” Dahrin said.
“What? I didn’t do anything bad, just not entirely good.” Sheik replied trying to defend himself from the truth. Everyone laughed at Sheik’s discomfort. “So how have you all been since last we met two weeks ago?” Gerad asked from the wall he was leaning against next to G-Link. Lucius surfaced from under the water in the fountain. “Well everything is going smoothly at my home, the water’s up; fish are plentiful, nothing really happening.” He said putting his arms on the edge of the fountain. “Everything is fine at the farm, we had two colts born and another colt is due next month.” Meria said cocking her head a little to the left in a habit since childhood. “Everything is fine at Death Mountain, rocks are good, lava’s warm keeps it warm in our home, levels down so it’s all good.” G-Link said without raising his head. He was sitting in a position like a closed up box turtle. His voice was muffled but they could all understand him for he had his father’s voice. “Well everything is fine in Kokoriko Village, the cucu lady’s Cucues got out again.” Sheik said rolling his eyes. Cucues were a type of domesticated birds (like chickens). “And I’m sure you had nothing to do with that.” Aerica said. Everyone laughed, “No I had nothing to do with it this time.” Sheik replied.
“This time?” Gerad asked with a raised eyebrow, “So it was you who let them out the other twelve times?” Sheik looked up into the tree and said, “Well, maybe.”
Gerad shook his head. Selene laughed with the rest of them and Dahrin smiled. “Well the desert and sands are as hot as ever but that’s not uncommon, and I’m not the only boy anymore.” Dahrin said holding his hands up in triumph. The others congratulated him and asked who had had a son. “Well her name is Shelnock and she married a carpenter, and they had a son the beginning of this week.” Dahrin answered.
“But isn’t that forbidden or something?” Meria asked.
“Not anymore, my mother decided that if we don’t marry out then the Gerudos would eventually die out, so she banished the law.”
“Wow so you’re like the last pure blood Gerudo child.” Sheik said.
“Something like that, yeah.” Dahrin said.
“Well the forest is in full bloom, you all should come and see it before the end of spring.” Aerica said from a lower oak branch. She had climbed up into the tree to sit in the shade of the leaves. Meko was still chasing the bug and getting dizzier by the minute. He finally stopped and made his way to Aerica’s shoulder swaying all the way there.
“Well nothing of interest here. This is the highlight of the two weeks.” Selene said pulling a foot up under her knee. “So what should we do while our parents are conducting important business of country?” Sheik asked hopping up and into a handstand. “Well we could go riding.” Meria said from behind Selene and Dahrin. Meria had always “drifted”. She’d be in one place one second then in another the next. Meria didn’t know why and they all were too good of friends to care. “We won’t have time to get a good ride. The meeting will be over soon.” Selene replied standing up. “Well how ‘bout we head to the kitchens and discuss it on the way, because I’m starved.” Sheik said gracefully flipping up out of the handstand. “You always are so what’s new?” Lucius retorted stepping out of the fountain. Gerad poked G-Link, who had fallen asleep, with his toe. “What?” G-Link asked sitting up. “We’re heading to the kitchens.” Gerad replied straightening up. G-Link nodded and fell back down and started rolling towards the kitchens. The rest of them left the courtyard and walked behind G-Link, slowing to match their pace to his. The group made its way to the kitchen all the while they discussed what to do during their time together today. They finally settled on archery and sparring. They made it to the kitchens and grabbed some loaves and some water skins then headed to the training area.
Knights of Hyrule were training vigorously for the annual tournament coming up in a couple of months. Captain Calhan was among the best of the knights and made sure everyone knew it. The group came in through the side entrance just as he unhorsed his opponent in a joust. The knight flew back from the force of the hit and landed with a thud. “Wow, nice hit.” Sheik said from behind Gerad. Sheik and Calhan were not on good terms. Calhan rode over and bowed to them from on top of his horse whose name was Slaughter. Slaughter was a huge stallion, his coat was red, and his main and tail were black, from his knees down his fur was black. “Ah Selene how are you this morning?” Calhan asked holding out his hand to Selene. Selene put her hand in his and he bent and kissed it. He smiled his best smile and Selene backed up and stood next to Gerad. “Is the archery open?” Gerad asked smiling. His friends could tell it was forced; he didn’t care for Calhan and his advances on his sister. She didn’t care for him at all and wished nothing to do with Calhan. “Yes milord. The Knights are practicing jousting today so the archery is all yours.” Calhan replied with another bow, “Is there anything else you require milord?”
“No not at this moment, thank you captain.” Gerad said as they walked off to the archery range. Sheik stayed out of site from Calhan, and Dahrin kept his eyes downcast. Calhan had no love for Sheik or Dahrin, and they all knew why. Calhan had been trying to get Selene’s father to arrange a marriage between himself and Selene, to no success. Gerad could barely contain himself when Calhan was around.
Selene shivered when they were out of sight from Calhan, and Gerad placed his arm around his sister. Sheik was quiet for five minutes which was a miracle in itself. They made it to the archery range with no further unpleasant encounters.
“Is he still trying?” Aerica asked Selene as the boys took their turn at the bows. “Yeah, and father keeps saying no. I don’t understand why he can’t get it through his head that I have no attractions to him whatsoever. I mean he is only five years older than me, but still. And has no love for any of you guys.” Selene replied. The other girls nodded their heads and went back to watching the boys. Meko was sitting in Aerica’s lap and munching on bits of bread she fed to him watching the boys as well. Gerad, Sheik, and Dahrin were the only ones that were shooting, G-Link and Lucius sat and watched. Gerad hit the bull’s eye nine times out of ten, Sheik hit two out of ten, and Dahrin hit six out of ten.
“Yeah, I don’t trust him.” Gerad said over his shoulder as he released his shot, hitting the bull’s eye, “He’s too ambitious.” Gerad moved over and Sheik stepped up.
“If you ask me he needs a sense of humor, he still hates me for that little joke I played on him.” Sheik said as he missed.
“Which one?” Dahrin asked as Sheik stepped off, “The one with the manure or the one with the bucket of scalding hot water?” Dahrin took careful aim and hit the bull’s eye. The girls took up their places and shot for awhile while the guys rested their arms. Meko moved from Aerica’s lap to Gerad’s who continued to feed him bred. “Well if you ask me, I think he’s only after the crown on my head and not for my spirit.” Selene said releasing a shaft.
“Well you could just misunderstand the guy.” Aerica said as she released a shaft. “Are you kidding? I’ve seen the way he looks at her, his cold eyes calculating how much and how little to do to win her.” Meria replied as she let loose a shaft that went through the target landing in the stone wall behind it. “I still don’t know how you do that.” Selene said as servants ran out to change the target.

Their parents came out to the training area as they were into the third round of sparring. Gerad and Dahrin were fighting and it was coming to a tied match again. Link looked at his son proudly and Nabooru smiled at hers. The time ended and the fight was a tie. The adults clapped as the two opponents bowed and walked out of the ring together. Selene handed both her brother and Dahrin a towel and congratulated them. “So what have you children been up to?” Zelda asked. The children bowed to her and the other adults. “We were practicing archery and hand to hand combat mother.” Gerad said coming up and giving her a hug. He kissed her on each cheek before she could push him away. “Silly boy you’re all sweaty.” Zelda smiled as she dusted off the front of her dress. Gerad smiled. “You both seem evenly matched.” Link remarked as he patted his son on the shoulder. “Actually I think he’s holding back, but so am I.” Gerad replied smiling at Dahrin. Dahrin laughed, “No, I’m sure if you had good reason you’d beat me hands down.” Gerad laughed with him and replied, “Well I hope I never have the reason.” The rest nodded, “So what did you discuss?” Selene asked her mother. “Well we came to the realization that we don’t know that much about our respected neighbors and friends so we have decided to send delegates to stay in the homes of the leaders of the five countries.”
“Oh and who will we send?” Gerad asked. “We are going to send you two, while the others will send them.” Link said pointing to the other children. “So we get to spend time at one of their homes, for how long?” Selene asked. “Well you’ll start at Kokoriko all of you and will stay there for a month, learning the ways of the people and the culture.”
“And then you’ll stay at Death Mountain.” Darunia said, well yelled is more the word, “And then Zora’s Domain.” Ruto put in putting her hand on Lucius’s head. “And then you will come and stay in the forest with us.” Saria said. “Then our home in the Gerudo fortress.” Nabooru said solemnly.
“Then on the ranch with us and the horses.” Malon said. “And then finally all of you will come back here so that they can learn about our culture.” Zelda said. The children were ecstatic, “When do we leave?” Selene asked with a huge smile on her face. “You leave a week from tomorrow, so that they have time to pack for the trip.” Zelda replied.“Thank you, mother and father.” Gerad exclaimed hugging his parents. Link laughed, “Now its not going to be all fun and games, you’re going to learn about the people and their culture, and there will be reports to make.” The children groaned. “But that will be on weekdays, weekends you get to spend with each other doing what you like.” Nabooru said. The children cheered. “Can we stay an extra day and head home the next day?” Sheik asked his red eyes big and shinning. Impa smiled at her son, “I don’t have a problem with it, as long as you get home on time and in one piece.” The rest of the adults agreed and then left the children to spend more time together. “Wow we get to spend an entire day with you guys.” Meria said. “Yeah good thing we all packed an extra pair of clothes.” Sheik said. “So did you plan to ask this or were the extra clothes just in case you got dirty?” Selene asked poking sheik. “Maybe?” Sheik said shrugging his shoulders. “Maybe to which part?” Gerad asked. Sheik just stared at the sky and hummed. Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched.